Welcome to Bundle of Joy!

Baby Name Generator App

We understand that choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting yet challenging task. Our Baby Name Generator app is designed to help you discover a wide variety of baby names tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re looking for a traditional name, a unique name, or something that starts with a specific letter, we’ve got you covered!

Below, you will find detailed instructions on how to use our app.

Getting started

1. Select Gender

Choose whether you’re looking for baby boy names or baby girl names.

2. Choose a Theme

Our app offers 100+ themes such as Classic, Modern, Nature-inspired, Mythological, etc. Select a theme that aligns with your interests or values.

3. Pick a Starting Letter

If you have a preference for a name that begins with a specific letter, you can enter that letter here.

4. Generate Names

Once you’ve made your selections for gender, theme, and starting letter, click on the “Generate” button. Our app will display up to 20 names at a time that match your criteria.

Discovering Names

As the names appear, you have 2 options - Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down

If you see a name you like, click the thumbs up icon TO THE RIGHT OF A NAME. This name will be added to your 'Liked Names' list, and the next name will be shown from the generated list.

If you don’t like a name, click the thumbs down icon TO THE LEFT OF A NAME. The app will then show you the next name from the generated list.

Your preferences


Origin/ Theme/ Style


Starting letter


Please try again.

You can change preferences now if you'd like.


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Test this drive this name

Want to hear how a name sounds in various practical situations? Click on the “Test Drive Name” link.

This feature will simulate how the name sounds when spoken aloud in different contexts.

It’s a great way to get a feel for the name’s practicality and appeal. And also weed away the obviously wrong ones! :)

Review Your Favorites

At any time, you can click on the “Names you've liked” link to see a list of all the names you have given a thumbs up. This list is a convenient way to keep track of potential names for your baby.

From this list, you can also review the meanings and test drive the names again, helping you make a well-informed decision.

Tips for Using the App

1. Be Open to Different Themes

Sometimes, you might find a beautiful name under a theme you hadn’t initially considered. Feel free to explore different themes to expand your options.

2. Take Your Time

Naming a baby is a significant decision. Take your time to explore and evaluate different names. The 'Liked Names' list will always be there for you to revisit.

3. Involve Loved Ones

Use the app together with your partner, family, or friends. You can share the names you like and get their feedback. This collaborative approach can make the naming process even more enjoyable.

4. Explore the Meanings

Understanding the meaning of a name can give it more significance. Take advantage of the “View Meaning” feature to ensure the name aligns with the values or messages you want to convey.

5. Consider Practicality

Use the “Test Drive Name” feature to make sure a name sounds good in various situations. Consider how it pairs with your last name and how it might be perceived by others.

6. Enjoy the journey

Choosing a name for your baby is a joyful journey. Our Baby Name Generator app aims to make this process fun, easy, and memorable. We hope you discover the perfect name that resonates with you and your family.

Thank you for using our app. We wish you the best of luck in finding the name that your little one will proudly carry throughout their life.

Happy Naming!